• A strange story of Zamzam in Islamic History you may not have heard it before,

     The well of Aab e Zam Zam was sealed once and remained sealed for many hundred years? And why Hazrat Abdul Mutlib (the grandfather of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) and his companions buried themselves in graves and start waiting for their death. So let us tell you this interesting and historical event in detail. All of you know that this well was started for Hazrat Ismail (A.S) by ALLAH (AWJ).
     When this well started for Hazrat Ismail (A.S) by ALLAH (AWJ); a tribe Banu Jurhum came across that area, and asked permission from Hazrat Hajira to live there, which was approved. Hazrat Ismail (A.S) grown and got married in the same tribe Banu Jurhum. After the death of Hazrat Hajira and Hazrat Ismail (A.S), with the passage of time, Banu Jurhum got involved in so many irregularities and crimes.
     They tease the people who came to Makkah; they use the gifts for themselves which were given for Kaaba Moazzama and they don’t take care of the honour (hurmat) of Makkah. Due to these irregularities and crimes of Banu Jurhum; ALLAH decided to dishonour them and to expropriate this tribe from Makkah, two tribes Banu Baqar and Banu Khuzam attacked them and expropriate them from Makkah.
     The Head of Banu Jurhum (Umroo Bin Haris) thrown all the gifts for Makkah in the well of Zam Zam and closed the well with mud and rocks, and he escaped towards Yaman along with his tribe The time passed and the zam zam was even erased even from the memories and discussions. Hazrat Abdul Mutalib (grandfather of our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) honoured by ALLAH (AWJ) in the way that he was once sleeping in the Kaaba under the shade of Hateem, someone ordered him in dream to dig the zam zam.

    . Hazrat Ali R.A told that Hazrat Abdul Mutalib said that one day I was sleeping under the Hateem, and someone came in my dream and said that dig the Taiba, I asked him what is Taiba? He did not answer and went away. On the second day when I was sleeping at the same place, a person came in my dream and said to dig Birra, I asked what is birra? He went away without answering, on the third day someone said to dig Maznoona, I asked what is maznooa? he did not tell me this time too. Next day I was sleeping at the same place and someone said me to dig the Zam Zam, I asked what is Zam Zam he replied that this a holy water which will never end and never be deficient. Whatever the quantity of people visit Makkah for Hajj, this will fulfil all their requirements of water.
     This well is near the stack of dung and blood, where people through the spares of animals after slaughter. It is near the hole of ants where a crow will settle itself. When Hazrat Abdul Mutlib instructed several times to dig this well and he was also informed about the place where it exists, he was now confident that this a true dream to identify the Zam Zam. The quraish was opposing him but in the next morning he took his only son Haris and started digging the pointed place. He himself was digging and his son Haris taking the soil out of the well.
     After digging for three days it seems that the well exists. Hazrat Abdul Mutlib happily shouted ALLAH o Akbar and said this is the well of Hazrat Ismail (A.S). When quraish realized that the well is found by Hazrat Abdul Mutlib they said that is well belongs to our father Hazrat Ismail (A.S) and we have the same rights on it as yours, so let us to participate in digging it. and we have the same rights on it as yours, so let us to participate in digging it. Hazrat Abdul Mutlib did not accept their offer. The whole nation became his anti and decided to fight each other. Finally they decided that an oracle women which belongs to a different tribe, his decision would be final and accepted by all.
     So both parties went to that women for decision, she lives away from Makkah. On the way water ended up with Hazrat Abdul Mutlib and his companions and they were about to die due to thirstiness. They asked the opposing party for water but they refused. Hazrat Abdul Mutlib and companions were expecting their death so they dig their graves and laid themselves inside and started to wait for their death. Hazrat Mutlib realised that this type of surrender is not justified, he said to his companions to get up and start moving ahead, May be ALLAH arrange something for us.
     So they all got ready to move and Hazrat Abdul Mutlib moved to his camel, when they start moving a fresh water wellhead started from the foot of his camel by the bless of ALLAH. This event witnessed by the opposing party. Hazrat Abdul Mutlib and his companions drink water and they filled their reservoirs and showing the height of ethics they gave water to the opposing party too. After witnessing the whole event, the honour to Hazrat Abdul Mutlib by ALLAH and the courtesy of Hazrat Abdul Mutlib the opposing party said the ALLAH has taken the decision against us,

     He has honoured you with Zam Zam, we will never fight you in the matter of Zam Zam. So all of them returned back to Makkah and did not approached that women. When they reached back Hazrat Abdul Mutlib dig the Zam Zam Well and made small ponds nearby the well to facilitate the people arriving for Hajj and other people too. From that day till today the no of people to perform Hajj is increasing day by day but this well is meeting the requirements of everyone by the order of ALLAH.


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